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Q and A

How do I apply for SUBSCRIPTION?

Send your full name, cellphone, email, postal address if item is to be sent by SA Post Office or physical address if a Courier service is required.


Where do I find a Belly Dance Studio in my area?


The internet is used extensively to find a site for belly dance classes.  Simply search for "belly dancing in <area you live in>".


What do I wear for belly dance classes?


On the first day, usually the proverbial "gym" or "pilates" or "yoga" gear will help.  Avoid heavy footwear, usually light dancing shoes.

Teachers will always help when it comes to class apparel.  Shimmy belts is a MUST at all oriental classes.  Tribal and fusion is guided by the teachers and peers.


Can anyone join belly dance classes?


Most belly dance studios do have limitations on age and/or gender but any shape or size of individual can join up.


Check with your belly dance teacher.

How do I know if the teachers are qualified?

Most teachers are qualified when they have all the knowledge and experience to enable to teach others how to belly dance.  Ask the teacher what their qualifications are - if less than three years could be suspect.



Can visitors watch while I am in classes?


Generally NO.  Teachers charge a fee for a person to learn how to dance.  Visitors are not welcome as this could be disruptive to the class.   Check with the teacher first before bringing visitors, including children who are not dancers.


Do I have to make my own costumes?


No.  If the personal financial budget allows, there are many sources to purchase costumes online as well at some belly dancers who have turned to making costumes instead of dancing. Creating one's own costume is encouraged as it releases that inner creative spirit within.


Is belly dancing beneficial to my health?


Yes.  It helps to maintain body form, even to burning up the fat and energising your outlook on Life.  Expectant mothers-to-be can also do belly dancing almost to full term.  Being in a social environment mostly with women, sheds those inhibitions away and can bring about a better relationship with spouses or loved ones.

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